Xbox One S Optical Drive Replacement (2025)


This guide will show you how to remove and replace the optical disc drive on the Xbox One S. This procedure is necessary if your gaming system will not read any gaming disks or movies. The tools necessary are a screwdriver (i.e. a Torx Security Screwdriver) and any slim pry tool. This process requires gentle hands and patience, as it can take more than a few minutes. Light soldering may be required when dealing with the drive’s wires.

What you need

  1. Step 1 Case

    Xbox One S Optical Drive Replacement (1)

    • Flip the Xbox One S so that the bottom of the case is facing upward.


  2. Step 2

    Xbox One S Optical Drive Replacement (2)

    • Begin by working at the case on the rear where the warranty sticker is located. Insert the plastic opening tool into the gap between the bottom of the case and the grated top side. Then find the clips in between that hold the case in place. Use the opening tool to pop the clips out. The best method is to pry the black case away from the bottom.

    • Use the opening tool to pop the clips out. The best method is to pry the black case away from the bottom.

    • You will hear clicking sounds when you are prying the case open. It may be fairly difficult to remove the bottom.

    • It's possible that the clips may break when you remove the bottom from the case.

    • We recommend starting at the back where the warranty sticker is located. Pry along the rear edge until all clips are free. From there do each side. When three sides are free start at the end of the front opposite the sync button. Be cautious and take your time and all should separate without any damage.


  3. Step 3

    Xbox One S Optical Drive Replacement (3)

    • Once all of the clips are opened, remove the bottom part of the case.


  4. Step 4

    Xbox One S Optical Drive Replacement (4) Xbox One S Optical Drive Replacement (5)

    Xbox One S Optical Drive Replacement (6)

    Xbox One S Optical Drive Replacement (7)

    • Use a T10 Torx screwdriver to remove the six green 50 mm long screws from the metal case labeled F1 through F6.


  5. Step 5

    Xbox One S Optical Drive Replacement (8) Xbox One S Optical Drive Replacement (9)

    Xbox One S Optical Drive Replacement (10)

    Xbox One S Optical Drive Replacement (11)

    • Gently separate the interior case from the white exterior case using the appropriate method.

    • Pry the white plastic sides outwards at the rear to separate from the plastic I/O shield.


  6. Step 6 Interior Case Top Panel

    Xbox One S Optical Drive Replacement (12)

    • Flip the interior case so it is fan side upward.


  7. Step 7

    Xbox One S Optical Drive Replacement (13)

    • To access the hardware within the casing, you can pop and lift the top panel of the casing. It should come right off.


  8. Step 8 Hard Drive Assembly

    Xbox One S Optical Drive Replacement (14) Xbox One S Optical Drive Replacement (15)

    Xbox One S Optical Drive Replacement (16)

    Xbox One S Optical Drive Replacement (17)

    • To replace the hard drive, flip over the console and remove the two 10 mm T-10 Torx screws, C3 and C5, from the backside of the Xbox One S.

    • Some models may require C4 and C5.

    • This will allow the plastic casing surrounding the hard drive to become detached from the rest of the console.


  9. Step 9

    Xbox One S Optical Drive Replacement (18) Xbox One S Optical Drive Replacement (19) Xbox One S Optical Drive Replacement (20)

    Xbox One S Optical Drive Replacement (21)

    Xbox One S Optical Drive Replacement (22)

    Xbox One S Optical Drive Replacement (23)

    • Gently disconnect the hard drive from the motherboard (at the two plastic connector bodies).


  10. Step 10 Optical Drive Assembly

    Xbox One S Optical Drive Replacement (24)

    • To remove the optical disc drive, remove the silver 10 mm T-10 Torx screw labeled "C4."


  11. Step 11

    Xbox One S Optical Drive Replacement (25)

    • Pull the disc drive slightly off the motherboard and disconnect the plastic connectors from the motherboard.


  12. Step 12 Optical Drive

    Xbox One S Optical Drive Replacement (26)

    • Remove the black, flat Torx screw from the bottom of the optical drive.


  13. Step 13

    Xbox One S Optical Drive Replacement (27) Xbox One S Optical Drive Replacement (28)

    Xbox One S Optical Drive Replacement (29)

    Xbox One S Optical Drive Replacement (30)

    • Detach the wires from the disc drive and slide the drive out.

    • If necessary, you can use plastic opening tools to pry the connectors off of the drive.


Almost done!

To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

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Why do you have to replace the motherboard when replacing the optical disc drive?

Alexander Anders - Apr 24, 2018 Reply

because Microsoft puts a security code on the motherboard to pair the drive with the motherboard. so if they don’t match, all it will do is read DVDs and not play any games. Depending on the drive, sometimes you have to Unsolder and resolder the wires going to the motherboard. Other times, it can just be a series of clips for 2 cables and a plug.

If you learned basic soldering in High School, it isn’t too hard to solder.

Lawrence - Aug 17, 2018

what do you need to solder, pics please…

Pete B - Jan 10, 2019 Reply

Helped me get to the optical drive in order to disassemble it and remove a coin that was blocking the motor (gotta love toddlers). Thanks!

Russ Barker - Jan 31, 2019 Reply

Is this what is to be done if the laser unit seems to be faulty?

Sharry Webb - Jan 3, 2020 Reply

Xbox One S Optical Drive Replacement (2025)
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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

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